حبايبي اتفقت مع احد الاجانب على شراء دومين
فطلب مني الدخول الى حسابي في شركة اينوم و القيام بالتالي :
3. After your account has been setup, please wire payment for the domain to eNom. Make sure to include both the domain name and your eNom login ID on the wire. If you have questions regarding the wire process, please contact Deborah Burditt at eNom. She can be reached at
Deborah.Burditt@enom.com or 425-274-4500 ext 4226. For your convenience, wire instructions are included in this email.
دخلت حسابي ما عرفت كيف اسويها
يا ريت حد يشرحها لي ؟!!