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الموضوع: كيف تربط PHP Manual (بهيئة CHM.) بمحرر نصوصك المفضل ..

  1. كيف تربط PHP Manual (بهيئة CHM.) بمحرر نصوصك المفضل ..

    إن استخدام دليل php داخل محرر نصوصك بحيث تحدد العبارة أو الدالة الوظيفية المطلوبة ثم تضغط زر F1 ليتم عرض المعلومات التفصيلية عنها لهو أمر مفيد وميسِّر جدا لعمل المبرمج.

    الطريقة موجودة بالتفصيل لكثير من محررات النصوص المشهورة مثل TextPad و UltraEdit وغيرهما في موقع php.net :


    كما يمكن تنزيل PHP Manual من هنا:


    ملاحظة :
    لا تعمل هذه الطريقة مع المفكرة ( Notepad) بالطبع :)

  2. الرابط ومحتواه من جديد:


    IDE integration
    As the CHM versions of the PHP manual are used on more and more development machines, IDE authors also began to add support for the CHMs in their IDEs. Here are some IDEs that support the integration of this CHM at different levels. If you know of any more IDEs that should be listed here, please write to the mailing list mentioned above. If you are an IDE author, and would like to get more technical info on HTML Help, read the integration section in the CHM.
          ConTEXT: Open the "Options" menu and select "Environment Options". Open the "Miscellaneous" tab, select the desired language in the list and click the "Edit" button. Browse to the help file you want to associate with that language. When you're done, click "OK".
          To use context sensitive help within ConTEXT, go to Options -> Environment Options, and select the Execute Keys tab. Click Add, and type "php, php3, phtml" in the box that pops up. Now, select F9 in the list and put "HH" under Execute, the directory of the help file in Start In, and "mk:@MSITStore:php_manual_en.chm::/_function.html#%w" for Parameters. Window should be Normal, Hint "PHP Function Reference", and Save "Nothing". Keep both Use short DOS names and Capture console output unchecked. To use it, simply hit F9 with the cursor over the function you want help on.
        * CrimsonEditor: The author of the editor describes how to ingerate HLP and CHM files with keyword indexes into the IDE. This method works quite well, with our CHMs.
        * Dev-PHP 2: Go to "Options" » "General options", and select the "Extra" tab in the dialog displayed. Enter the full path of the help file (or locate it with the locate button), then choose the correct language in the corresponding combo-box. Finish with the "Ok" button. Now you can use F1 to get help on a PHP function in the editor.
        * Dreamweaver MX: Users of this product can download an extension on this Spanish page. If one would like to know what the text reads in English, Babel Fish is there to help.
        * EditPlus: You can add the CHM as a custom tool in the "Tools" » "Configure User Tools..." » "Add Tool" menu. There you can assign a shortcut key combination to this tool, and so you can access the help anytime with that.
        * HomeSite: Since .chm help files are basically executables in HomeSite, you integrate Compiled HTML Help sets by adding them as a custom toolbar button. Install the help set wherever you like, then created a toolbar button set to "Launch an external application" with the filename pointing to the main .chm file.
        * jEdit: Users of this editor can grab and adjust this BeanShell macro. Save it as [jEdit Settings Folder]/macros/PHP/Open_in_PHP_Manual.bsh. You can also assign a hotkey and/or a context menu option to it.
          CHM_location = "C:\\PHP\\php_manual_en.chm";
          if (textArea.getSelection().length > 0) {
            CHM_location += "::/_function.html#" + textArea.getSelectedText();
          exec("HH " + CHM_location);
        * Mr. Ed: Choose the menuitem "Dateiklassenabh�gige Einstellungen" (Filetype Specific Options) in the menu "Optionen" (Options) and choose the PHP language. This is chosen by default, if you edit a PHP file. Next click "Bearbeiten" (Edit) and in the upcoming dialog box choose the tabulator "Externe Hilfe" (External Help). There you can define external help files (.HLP, .CHM)
        * Multi-Edit: Provide the path and file name of the CHM in the "Help file location" setting in the Extension setup for any desired PHP extension.
        * PHPEdit: The Help Integration module of PHPEdit enables users to integrate many formats of help into the IDE, and browse them in a common tree. You can find more information about this in the current documentation.
        * Programmers' File Editor (PFE): Open the "Options" menu and select "Preferences". Select "User Help Files" in the "Category" box. Click the "New" button, type in a label for the new help file into the "Help menu text:" box and the path to the file in the second box, "Associated help file:". There is a small browse button on the right, you can use it to find the file you want to use. When you're done, click "OK".
        * SciTE: Place this in Scite config file:
          In this case the CHM Edition of the PHP Manual is placed in C:\Program Files\SciTE\help\php.
        * TextPad: You can install the CHM via Configure » Preferences » Tool » Add » Online Help File.
          UltraEdit: You can add any custom help file (like the PHP CHM) with the "Help" » "Add Help Files" menu item. You can also add the Help Preferences application via the "Tools" » "Advanced" » "Tools Configuration" menu item.
          To add the CHM as a context sensitive help provider, go to "Tools" » "Advanced" » "Tools Configuration". In the Command Line box, add "HH mk:@MSITStore:php_manual_en.chm::/_function.html#%sel%", set the Working Directory to the CHM's directory and provide any name for it. Check the Windows Program checkbox, uncheck Save Active File, and click Insert. To use it, mark any function in UltraEdit and press CTRL+SHIFT+O.
        * Arisesoft Winsyntax: Simple step-by-step instructions are included in the editor. Choose Help » Install PHP Help in the menu.
          Zeus for Windows Programmers Editor: In the "Options" » "Document Types" menu select "PHP Document Type" and hit the "Edit" button. Choose the "Quick Help" section, locate the php_manual_en.chm file and add it to the document type. Finally apply the changes.
          To test the integration open a PHP file, place the cursor on a PHP keyword (ie php_stream_eof etc) and use the Help » Quick Help menu to display the quick help.

  3. #3
    عضو فعال جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    جزاك الله خير .

    htaccess بكل بساطة

    الشفرة الموحدة "يونِكود"

    (إن من مفاسد هذه الحضارة أنها تسمي الاحتيال ذكاءً، والانحلال حرية، و"الرذيلة فناً" والاستغلال معونة) - مصطفى السباعي

  4. #4
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006

    بارك الله فيك أخوى أبو حازم ,,

    مستخدم العضوية:الامبراطـور .



  5. #5
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2004

    مشكور أخوي الكريم

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